Friday, October 30, 2020

Spring 2021 Course Offerings

 Registration started this week and runs until 6 November!

You can register yourself, or make an appointment to see your advisor. Your advisor is listed in E4U.

We're really excited about the course offerings for spring, so take a look at what you can take with us!

Remember 12 credits is full time to qualify for financial aid. 15 credits x 4 years = graduating on time.

Take some time as you register to think about what worked and what didn't this semester so far as what you need to be successful and schedule yourself accordingly!

If you need help or advice, don't hesitate to come see us, and we'll get you all sorted!

Monday, October 19, 2020

The Viking Review: Call for Writing

 The Viking Review aims to become an annual lit magazine committed to publishing poetry, short story, nonfiction, photography, and art by writers, poets and artists who have a relationship with Elizabeth City State University. The Viking Review publishes works derived from artists', writers’, and poets’ life experiences. We are interested in works that reflect those experiences.  Your work can center on anything that has shaped or influenced you. So send your pain. Send your fury. Send your joy. Send your strange, frightening or delightful. Send what you see in the world and what you want to see. Send it all to


Friday, October 2, 2020

Help and Resources For Ending Your Semester Successfully

A lot of times the beginning of the semester flies by as we learn where are classes are, get settled, adapt to new teaching styles and content.

Before you know it midterms are here.

Midterms are a great time to take a break, stop and reflect on where you are in your classes, and make a plan to ensure you end the semester well.

Below are some tips for how you can make the rest of your semester successful.

Remember too, if you need help that's what we're here for!

We Teach You to Read and Respond to the World: Come Check Us Out at Fall Open House Saturday 30 October 2021

Come see what Elizabeth City State University is all about! Register for our Open House this Saturday! Our English and Digital Media Departm...